We will shortly be launching an online package of Grade D Training aimed at those just beginning their work in the Court of Protection. It aims to provide a good introduction to the things that are important, but not necessarily covered anywhere else. We have drawn from the expereince of the PDF Working Group as well as external services to create the content and it will be free to all PDF Members.
The course will be available in the Members Area of the website and once registered, you will be able to complete the course in bitesize pieces, in your own time, including questions as you go that will contribute to an overall pass score at the end. You will even have a certificate to download. The course is structured as a series of modules so you can break off and come back to them at your convenience.
Topics covered will include:
- What is a Deputyship? Or Alternatives
- What can Deputy Do?
- Why someone might need a Deputy
- COP Basic Principles
- Role of Stakeholders
- Understanding P and their families and managing their disabilities
- Overview of CP and brain injury; explain how brain injury can affect functioning and impairment of executive functioning skills, along with understanding of dementia and Alzheimer’s
- Soft skills, People Management, Relationship Management
- Brief overview of how parents can react to certain issues and how damaged/affected they may be too as a result of what they have been through
- Case Managers
- Overview of OT and different types (housing equipment etc) physio, SLT, psychology as to how to support a client
- General Management
- Managing utility providers, Insurance (car, house, equipment, carers), Warranties, Service plans for equipment
- Annual Review
- Detailed prep, good practice
- COP Costs
- The process of assessment, why it exists, what the jargon means
- Time Recording
- How to capture your time properly on COP cases to get paid properly
- File Keeping and best practice
- How to adhere to the OPG standards and SRA/SCCO requirements, including file notes.
- Asset ownership and protections, recovery Restriction register, Credit registers, Basics of IHT planning & how to apply for a will
- Employment
- Overview of payroll, different types of employment, direct, CQC, deputy’s responsibilities around employment etc
- Conflict & Mediation
- Role of PI Lawyer
- Property
- Understanding basics, tenancy, ownership
- Buying/Owning property with a Protected Party.
- Compliance
- Invoicing, Money Laundering checks, Client Care, Assessments, DBS, Security Bond
- Finance
- Cash flows, budgets, banking, tax returns
- IFA overview*
- PPOs, the basics
- Debt recovery
- Benefits
- Client Care
- CHC funding, Public Authority Funding, NHS funding