The representative and collective voice for Professional Deputies
A forum for solicitors and legal executives who act as professional deputies and those who work alongside them to share news, views and best practice, while also providing a collective voice to act as a conduit between its members and third parties such as the Office of the Public Guardian, the Ministry of Justice, the Court of Protection and the Law Society.
Na naszej stronie bardzo poważnie podchodzimy do prezentowanych przez nas kasyn. Analizujemy je pod każdym kątem i przyznajemy im ogólną ocenę, która sprawia, że dane kasyno z malym depozytem są wiarygodne lub nie. W ten sposób nasi czytelnicy mogą dokładnie wiedzieć, które kasyna online są najlepsze do gry bez żadnego ryzyka.
Chcesz wiedzieć, jakie są nasze kryteria wyboru, aby otrzymać gwarancję jakości? Nie ma problemu, chcemy, abyś wiedział jak najwięcej o tym, co robimy, co jest godne inspektora kasyn online. Ale uwaga, to mrówcza praca, w której wszystko jest analizowane pod lupą. Nie chcemy, abyś przegapił informacje, które są dla Ciebie ważne.
Online casinos have taken a step towards fostering collaboration and sharing information to ensure responsible gambling practices. In an effort to promote transparency and accountability, several online casinos have become members of the Deputies Forum, an initiative led by the Office of Public Affairs in partnership with the Law Society. This collaborative platform aims to facilitate knowledge exchange among industry professionals, regulators, and policymakers in order to address key challenges associated with gambling and casino roulette. By joining the Deputies Forum, online casinos are demonstrating their commitment to promoting responsible gambling practices and ensuring a safe environment for players. Through this platform, they can engage in discussions on topics such as player protection measures, anti-money laundering strategies, regulatory compliance frameworks, and emerging trends in the industry. The forum allows them to share best practices while also gaining insights from experts within the field.
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Aimed at all professional deputies and those that work alongside them in the Court of Protection
Why Join the Forum?
A forum for solicitors and legal executives who act as professional deputies and those who work alongside therm to share news.

New Corporate Membership Scheme now available for those companies or businesses who provide services to Deputies and their clients.
Whilst providing a collective voice to act as a conduit between its members and key stakeholders such as the Office of the Public Guardian, the Ministry of Justice, the Court of Protection and the Law Society, The PDF is importantly a community for professional deputies and those that work alongside them in the Court of Protection
~ CEO – Sam Bossi
